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Mar 20, 2008

English Chinese translation sample- Happy Loans, Happiness Loaned

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Branding - Happy Loans, Happiness Loaned
I. Introduction
"Happy Loan" is ICBC's main Brand of personal loan service; many Consumer Credit Productions share the brand. The loans under this brand include Personal Housing Loan, Personal Auto Loan, Personal Consume Loan, Personal Business Loan and Personal Pledge Loan. "Happy Loans, happiness Loaned", the personal loan service of ICBC will help you to increase the life quality, create your chance for your own business, and enjoy a better life.

☆ "Happy Home" Personal Housing Loan
"Happy Home" Personal Housing Loan is a series of comprehensive, continuous and long-term finance plan. You can choose Personal New Housing Loan, Personal Second-hand Housing Loan, Personal Commercial Housing Loan, Personal Housing Fund Loan, and Personal Housing Portfolio Loan for your own house or real estate investment. The innovation in productions and service of "Happy Home" shows the ICBC concept - "People Oriented" and ICBC always tries its best to make your home "happy".

☆ "Happy Car" Personal Auto Loan
"Happy Car" is the personal auto loan plan for the auto fans. ICBC collaborates with renowned auto manufacturers and dealers to support the requests of auto consumption; it will help you to fulfill the dream of your own car soon.
  “幸福快车”是工行与知名汽车生产企业、特约汽车经销商联手打造,面向 “爱车族”提供的个人购车融资方案。“幸福快车”个人汽车贷款有力地支持了社会大众的汽车消费需求,帮助众多居民早日实现“购车”梦想。

☆ "Happy Business" Personal Business Loan
"Happy Business" is ICBC's personal business loan which was launched only several years ago. It is mainly for your funding requests in legal business or other reasonable needs. If you are a natural person, an individual industrial and commercial proprietor, an investor of solely-owned enterprise, a partner of a partnership company, or an owner of private company, you are qualified to apply for it. The personal business loan satisfies the funding requests for a natural person, an individual industrial and commercial proprietor, an investor of solely-owned enterprise, a partner of a partnership company, or an owner of private company. It shows ICBC's continuous innovation in Consumer Credit Business, and its excellent service.

II. Seven Features of the service
1. Simple procedure, low customer cost. Lawyer witness can be exempt from ICBC's personal loan applying procedure. You can make the decision of insurance purchase by yourself while you are applying for the personal loan with house mortgage.
  1. 手续简单,客户贷款成本低。客户在工行申请个人贷款时,可免除律师见证环节;客户以房产抵押担保方式到工行申请个人贷款时,可就购买保险事宜自主进行选择。

2. High approval efficiency, short pending time. In 5 working days, the loan from ICBC can be got for personal customer, who is qualified with ICBC lending conditions with the effective guarantee and full documentation submitted.
  2. 贷款审批效率高,客户等待时间少。在落实合法有效担保手续的前提下,对符合工行贷款条件、且贷款申请资料齐备的个人客户,工行贷款在5个工作日内发放到位。

3. Multiple methods to repay, multiple ways of personal financing services. Before the loan is mature, you can choose repayment method from the methods list freely.
  3. 还款方式更丰富,客户理财选择多。在贷款期限内,客户可在工行现行还款方式中进行自由选择。

4. If you are a customer of "Elite Club Account", preferential interest rate can be provided while you are applying for personal loan.
  4. 如果您是“理财金账户”客户,在办理个人贷款时,可享受同类贷款许可的利率优惠。

5. Free Applying Peony Credit Card. As a personal customer, if your loan from ICBC is over RMB 500,000 and repaid for continuous two years without any bad credit record, you will have the priority to get ICBC Credit Card (including Peony International Credit Card, Peony Credit Card, and Peony Quasi Credit Card), and your card's first year annual fee is exempt.
  5. 免费办理牡丹信用卡。在工行贷款金额50万元以上,且连续两年正常还款、无不良信用记录的个人客户,可优先申请工行信用卡(包括牡丹国际信用卡、牡丹贷记卡、牡丹准贷记卡),并免除一年年费。

6. "1+3" Personal Loan "Package". As a personal customer, if your loan from ICBC is over RMB 500,000 and repaid for continuous two years without any bad credit record, you can enjoy faster and more convenient services for applying Personal Auto Loan, Personal Consumable Loan, or Personal Business Loan from ICBC. ICBC will simplify the investigation procedure and mortgage valuation to provide better and more convenient service.
  6. “1+3”个人贷款“套餐”。在工行个人住房贷款金额50万元以上,且连续两年正常还款、无不良信用记录的客户,再次向工行提出个人汽车贷款、个人综合消费贷款、个人经营贷款申请时,工行将简化贷款调查和抵押物评估手续,为客户提供更方便快捷的优质服务。

7. "1+X" Value-added Personal Financing Services. As a personal customer, if your loan from ICBC is over RMB 500,000 and repaid for continuous two years without any bad credit record, you can become a customer of "Elite Club Account". As a Elite Club member, the fees of some ICBC services, such as inter-city deposit or withdrawal, collection, deposit certificate opening, personal finance agreement signing, and Report of Loss, can be reduced or exempted, besides you can get free value-added mobile phone short message statement service.
  7. 提供“1+X”个人理财增值服务。在工行贷款金额50万元以上,且连续两年正常还款、无不良信用记录的个人客户,可成为工行“理财金账户”客户,享受在工行异地存取款、托收、开立存款证明、签订个人理财协议、账户挂失等业务费用减免,并可获得免费短信账单服务。

English Chinese translation sample-Personal Jointly Account

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Personal Jointly Account
☆ Introduction
Personal Jointly Account (Jointly Account for short) is a kind of fixed deposit or current deposit service of ICBC, which can be opened by 2 to 5(include) personal customers together who manage the business fund or family property, to realize the fund co-management.
  ☆ 服务简介

Jointly Account has local/foreign current deposit settlement account (Current Account for short) or Lump Fixed Deposit Account (Fixed Account for short) under Elite Club Account Card or Peony Money Link Card • E-Age (Operation Card for short).
  联名账户种类包括开立在理财金账户卡或牡丹灵通卡 • e时代(以下简称业务操作卡)下的本外币活期存款结算账户(以下简称活期账户)或本外币整存整取定期储蓄存款账户(以下简称:定期账户)。

☆ Features
1. Jointly Account is the e-account linked under operation card. Jointly Account has no card or bankbook, so it's not necessary to keep bank card or bankbook. Customer can conveniently operate the jointly account by the operation card, card password and the serial number of sub-account related to the jointly account.
  ☆ 服务特色
  1. 联名账户为下挂在您业务操作卡下的电子账户,无卡无折,无须额外保管银行卡或存折。您通过业务操作卡、卡密码和对应着联名账户的子账户序号,即可方便的进行联名账户相关业务操作。

2. ICBC will provide two ways of money withdrawal of Jointly Account, together transaction and authorized transaction. Together transaction is that all the holders of the jointly account come to ICBC business office together with their own operation card. Authorized transaction is the authorized holder himself/herself can deal with the service with his/her operation card within the accumulated withdrawal limitation authorized via ICBC business office, E-banking or ATM machine.
  2. 对支取联名账户内资金,我行提供“共同办理”和“授权办理”两种方式。“共同办理”是指全体联名账户所有人凭各自业务操作卡到我行营业网点共同办理;“授权办理”是指被授权的联名账户所有人可凭其业务操作卡在约定的“授权支取累计限额”内,通过我行营业网点、电子银行、自动柜员机单独办理。

☆ Service Channels
ICBC designated business office, E-banking and ATM machine.
  ☆ 服务渠道

☆ Operation Guide
1. Open a Jointly Account
The whole jointly account holders will come to ICBC business office with their own valid ID card and the local operation card to fill in the Personal Jointly Account Opening/Changing Application and sign the Personal Jointly Account Manage Agreement together.
  ☆ 操作指南
  1. 联名账户开户

2. Cancel a Jointly Account
The whole jointly account holders will come to ICBC business office with their own operation card to deal with the transaction. For cancel the account with over RMB 50 thousand or equivalent USD 10 thousand, or advance cancel the fixed account, the valid ID cards of whole jointly account holders must be provided.
  2. 联名账户销户
  全体联名账户所有人须持本人业务操作卡到我行营业网点办理。对销户金额超过人民币5 万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上,以及定期账户提前销户,须出示全体联名账户所有人的有效身份证件。

3. Renew a Jointly Account
(1) The current account can be renewed. The respective holders can solely renew through ICBC business office by his/her operation card.
(2) If the renewal is in different areas, ICBC will collect the handling charge by 0.5% of the deposit sum from 1 Yuan to 50 Yuan.
  3. 联名账户续存

4. Withdraw Money from Jointly Account
(1) There is only one way to withdraw money from fixed account and must withdraw the entire money from the account for one time. There are two ways of together transactions and authorized transactions to withdraw money from current account.
(2) The current account, selecting authorized transaction, can withdraw the money from different cities. The authorized holder must pay the handling charge by 1% of the withdrawal money from 1 Yuan to 50 Yuan.
  4. 联名账户支取

5. Change and Inquire the Jointly Account
(1) The holders of current jointly account can change the partial content of jointly account promised while opening. The changeable content includes the withdraw money methods and accumulated limitation of withdrawal authorized by ICBC.
(2) The holders of jointly account can inquire the customer information and account information with his/her operation card through ICBC business office, E-banking and ATM machine.
  5. 联名账户变更和查询

☆Helpful tips
1. While opening the jointly account and signing the agreement, the holders of joint account must clearly record the manner of common account capital, that is the holders possession manner and share. The manner of common account capital is the transaction gist while dealing with dissension.
  ☆ 温馨提示
  1. 在开立联名账户及签订协议时,各联名账户所有人必须明确记载账户资金共有方式,即各联名账户所有人对联名账户内资金的拥有形式及占有份额。账户资金共有方式是作为纠纷发生时联名账户资金的处理依据。

2. For deposit/withdraw operation, that the single transaction is over RMB 50 thousand or the equivalent foreign currency is over USD 10 thousand, you must provide your valid ID card, if you relegate it to other people, the deputy must provide his/her valid ID card.
  2. 对单笔金额超过人民币5万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上的存/取款业务,您须出示本人有效身份证件,若委托他人代为办理,还需同时提供代理人有效身份证件。

3. If one of the jointly account holders reports the loss of operation card, the other jointly account holders can solely deal with the jointly account service, which cannot effect the operation card.
  3. 若某一联名账户所有人办理了其业务操作卡的挂失,不影响业务操作卡正常的其他联名账户所有人可单独办理的联名账户业务。

4. If the operation card of one jointly account holder has signed the service agreement of balance change reminder or personal integrating account check, ICBC will provide the customer with the jointly account balance change reminder or integrating account check service.
  4. 若某一联名账户所有人的业务操作卡签订了“余额变动提醒”或“个人综合对账”服务协议,我行将自动向该客户提供联名账户的余额变动提醒或综合对账服务。

5. The service annual fee is 20 Yuan per year for each jointly account. When the jointly account is canceled, ICBC will not return the accepted service annual fee.
  5. 联名账户每年收取20元账户服务年费。办理联名账户销户,我行不退还已收取的账户服务年费。

6. When you transact the jointly account service via E-banking, you must obey ICBC E-banking regulations, trade rules and related management methods.
  6. 通过电子银行办理联名账户相关业务时,须遵守我行电子银行章程、交易规则和相关管理办法。

English Chinese translation sample-Spend on Card

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Spend on Card
☆ Introduction
A kind of settlement. Customer use Elite Club Account, Peony Money Link Card•e-age, Peony Money Link Card, Peony International Card, Peony quasi Credit Card, Peony Credit Card and other Co-brand Card while consuming. Amount will be deducted from the bank card.
  ☆ 服务简介

☆ Features
I. SMS Statement: If applied through Internet Banking "ICBC Messenging – Balance Change Reminding Service", a short message will be received real time after using card to pay. Balance in the account is known once changed.
II. Safe and fast. No need to carry large amount of cash around. Money is safely kept in the account.
  ☆ 服务特色
  1. 短信账单服务。如您通过网上银行办理了“工行信使——余额变动提醒服务”,在刷卡消费后将可实时收到短信通知,账户一动便知晓。
  2. 安全快捷。无需携带大量现金,确保资金安全。

III. No handling fee. No fee has to pay when using card to pay.
IV. Many value-added services. From time to time, ICBC launch prize-winning promotions and loyalty redemption activities. consuming using card can bring many surprises.
  3. 免手续费。客户在刷卡消费时,无需支付任何手续费。
  4. 增值服务多。工行不定期开展刷卡消费有奖促销和积分兑奖活动,为您刷卡消费带来意外惊喜。

☆ Operation Guide
I. Pay by card: Give your bank card to cashier, enter password.
II. Enquiry: Check the details through Internet Banking and Telephone Banking. ICBC provide monthly statement to customer of credit card and Elite Club Account card showing all the transactions.
  ☆ 操作指南
  1. 刷卡:您向收银员提供银行卡并输入密码即可。
  2. 查询:您可以通过网上银行和电话银行方便地查询刷卡消费明细,对持有信用卡和理财金账户卡的客户,工行还将每月为您提供对账单,让您对账务情况一目了然。

☆ Helpful Tips
I. Check carefully if the amount in the purchase slip is the same as spending amount. Check if in doubt. Feedback to ICBC if there is a question.
II. Do not let others watch behind while entering password.
  ☆ 温馨提示
  1. 请您注意核对签购单上的金额与您的消费金额的一致性,如有疑问应及时提出、及时查询账务,发现问题请及时向银行反馈;
  2. 输入密码时请不要让旁人看见您的密码;

III. Make sure the signature on the purchase slip is the same as the one signed at the back of the card.
IV. Purchase slip is the proof of paying by card, keep it in a safe place.
  3. 请确保您在签购单上的签名与卡面背后的签名一致;
  4. 签购单是您刷卡消费的证明,请您妥善保管。

Mar 18, 2008

English Chinese translation sample-Auto-transfer-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
I. At ICBC business offices: Apply at ICBC business office with your Elite Club Account Card (or Peony Money Link Card•e-age, Peony Money Link Card).
  ☆ 操作指南
  1. 营业网点:您携带本人理财金账户卡(或牡丹灵通卡e时代、牡丹灵通卡)到工行营业网点即可办理。

II. Through Internet Banking:
(I) Auto-transfer – Recurring
1. Choose Internet Banking "Customer Service – Personalized Setting", select "Sign Finance Agreement" (Customer must sign this agreement first before signing up Finance Agreement under ICBC butler services item. Sign this agreement once only, no need to repeatedly sign.) .
2. Choose Internet Banking "Personal Finance – Finance Service".
3. Select "Recurring Transfer".
4. Set "Payment Account".
5. Set "Receiving Account".
6. Set "Transfer Cycle" in days or months.
7. Set "Frequency" (Transfer interval).
8. Set "Transfer Amount".
9. Set "End Date".
  2. 网上银行:
  (1) 固定周期型自动转账。
  a) 进入网上银行“客户服务-个性化定制”栏目选择“签订理财协议”;
  b) 进入网上银行“个人理财-理财服务”栏目;
  c) 选择“预约周期转账服务”;
  d) 设定“付款账户”;
  e) 设定“收款账户”;
  f) 设定“转账周期”为日或月;
  g) 设定“周期频率数”(即转账间隔);
  h) 设定“转账金额”;
  i) 设定“终止日期”。

(II) Auto-transfer – Balance top-up
1. Choose Internet Banking "Personal Finance – Finance Service".
2. "Schedule Transfer".
3. Payment Account".
4. Set "Payment Condition": Select "When balance in receiving account less than", set accordingly "Transfer Control Amount" and "Top-up Amount", "Top-up Amount" is the target amount that customer wishes to reach.
5. Select "Receiving Account", set "Application Number" as "Current".
6. Set "End Date".
  (2) 余额补足型自动转账。
  a) 进入网上银行“个人理财-理财服务”栏目;
  b) 选择“协定金额转账服务”;
  c) 设定“付款账户”;
  d) 设定“付款条件”:选择“当收款账户余额小于”,根据需要设定“转账 控制金额”与“补足金额”;“补足金额”为客户希望其账户达到的目标金额;
  e) 选择“收款账户”,将“应用号”设定为“活期”;
  f) 设定“终止日期”。

(III) Auto-Transfer – Trigger.
1. Choose Internet Banking "Personal Finance – Finance Service".
2. Select "Schedule Transfer".
3. Set "Payment Account".
4. Set "Payment Condition": Select "When balance in payment account more than", set accordingly "Transfer Control Amount", select transfer mode accordingly "Retain" or "Transfer to receiving account a fixed sum of " amount.
5. Select "Receiving Account", In "Application Number." select the respective deposit type, select deposit period and re-deposit period
6. Set "End Date".
  (3) 起点触发型自动转账。
  a) 进入网上银行“个人理财-理财服务”栏目;
  b) 选择“协定金额转账服务”;
  c) 设定“付款账户”;
  d) 设定“付款条件”:选择“当付款账户余额大于”,根据需要设定“转账控制金额”;在转账方式中根据需要选择“保留”或“向收款账户固定转出”金额;
  e) 选择“收款账户”,将“应用号”中选择相应存款种类,根据需要选择存期及约转存期;
  f) 设定“终止日期”。

English Chinese translation sample-Auto-transfer-Cases

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Cases
I. Auto-transfer – Recurring
Madame Zhao, Vice President of a Beijing Company. Her son studies in Peking University. She gives a fixed sum for his living expenses every month to let him know how to manage money.
In the past: On the first day of each month, Madame Zhao goes to ICBC to transfer a sum to her son's Peony Money Link Card.
Now: Through this service, ICBC will transfer a specified amount to her son's account on the first day of each month. Madame Zhao does not need to go to the bank every month any more.
  ☆ 服务案例
  1. 固定周期型自动转账

II. Auto-transfer – Balance top-up
Mr. Zhang a typical family where income entirely comes from Mr. Zhang's salary and bonus, and Madame Zhang, as a full-housewife, takes care of all the expenditure. Mr. Zhang, in consideration of safety and convenience, applies a Peony Money Link Card for his wife as the expense account of the family. He wants to always have a balance of around RMB10, 000 in this card to make sure his wife can have money to spend and withdraw in cash.
In the past: Mr. Zhang and Madame Zhang have always to check the balance of Peony Money Link Card. When balance below RMB 10,000, Mr. Zhang has to go to the bank to transfer money from his payroll account.
Now: Through this service, ICBC checks the spending account in Madame Zhang's Peony Money Link Card each day. When the money in the account is less than RMB 10,000, ICBC automatically transfers a certain sum from an account specified by Mr. Zhang to make up the shortfall.
  2. 余额补足型自动转账

III. Auto-transfer – Trigger
Mr. Ding, Professional writer, monthly income is about RMB 20,000. A special current account is opened under Elite Club Account to receive money from publisher and magazine house.
In the past: Mr. Ding too busy to manage his idle fund. Large amount of income stood still in current account. Every 6 months, he will transfer all his income to deposit as 1-year fixed deposit. Assume Mr. Ding collects his income on the first and fifteenth day of each month, RMB 10,000 each time. From January 1 till July 1, interest on his income will be: 10000*0.72*80%/24*(12+11+……+1)= RMB 187.2.
Now: Through this service, ICBC will automatically check Mr. Ding's receiving account each day. Once money in the account is over the specified amount, ICBC automatically transfers the exceeded amount to deposit as 1-year fixed deposit. Now Mr. Ding's income will be automatically transferred and deposited as 1-year fixed deposit on the day of income credited into account. Interest accrued on 6 months' income will be: 10000*2.25*80%/24*(12+11+……+1)= RMB585, 3.125 times of before.
  3. 起点触发型自动转账
  现在:丁先生通过办理“起点触发型自动转账”,银行将自动每天检查丁先生的收款账户,当收款账户资金超出过指定金额时,银行自动将超出金额转存为一年期的定期存款。现在丁先生的稿费收入在入账当天即自动转为一年期定期存款,半年内的稿费收入利息为: 10000*2.25*80%/24*(12+11+……+1)=585元,是以前的3.125倍。

☆ Service Channel
At ICBC business offices, through Internet Banking.
  ☆ 服务渠道

English Chinese translation sample-Auto-transfer-Introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Introduction
A service offered to make transfer according to your requirement. Currently, the service offers 3 types of automatic transfer: recurring, balance top-up and trigger.
  ☆ 服务简介

I. Recurring : transfer a fixed sum to your account or other's account from your account at fixed cycle , applicable to make transfer every month to house mortgage repayment account, pay alimony to parents and living expense to children, etc.
  1. 固定周期型自动转账:指银行按固定周期从您本人账户转出固定金额的资金到本人或他人账户,适用于每月向房贷还款账户转账、给父母送赡养费、为子女提供生活费等。

II. Balance top-up: When the balance in your account or other's account is below your specified standard, ICBC automatically transfers a certain sum from other account of yours in order to maintain the account balance above the specified standard.
  2. 余额补足型自动转账:在您本人或他人账户余额低于您指定标准时,银行自动从您的其他账户转入一定金额予以补足,以保持账户余额在指定标准之上。

III. Trigger: When the balance in your current account is above the specified standard, ICBC automatically transfers a sum (exceeded amount or fixed amount) out of the account and deposit to fixed deposit (or call deposit) in order to increase return to your savings. Account to be debited can be current account of yours of others.
  3. 起点触发型自动转账:在您的活期账户余额高于指定标准时,银行自动为您转出一定金额(可为超出金额或固定金额)存为定期存款(或通知存款),提高您的存款收益。转出账户还可以是您本人或他人的活期账户。

☆ Features
I. Intelligent, time-saving and trouble-free: After signing auto-transfer agreement with ICBC, no more worries about trivial accounting matters. ICBC will automatically make transfer to save your time and unnecessary attention.
  ☆ 服务特色
  1. 智能理财,省时省心。您与工行签订自动转账协议后,即无需再为琐碎的账务管理操心,工行将按您的需求自动为您办理,为您节省时间和精力。

II. Easy to apply. Service is available at ICBC business offices, also through Internet Banking self-service.
  2. 办理方便。您不仅可以到营业网点办理,而且可以通过网上银行自助办理。

III. Various services: Through ICBC automatic transfer, you can provide living expenses for your children or alimony to parents, or try to control the maximum limitation of account.
  3. 服务内容丰富:无论您是定期给子女提供生活费,还是给父母赡养费,或者是想控制账户最高限额,都可以通过工行自动转账办理。

English Chinese translation sample-Tuition Payment

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Tuition Payment
☆ Introduction
An online service used for payment of your or others' tuition and fees from university, secondary and primary schools nationwide.
  ☆ 服务简介

☆ Features
An Internet Banking service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Money credited into account under normal situation. Enquiry can be made on the payment details as well.
  ☆ 服务特色

☆ Service Channel
Internet Banking
  ☆ 服务渠道

☆ Operation Guide Flow Chart>>
  ☆ 操作指南 查看流程>>

☆ Helpful Tips
I. Register to Personal Internet Banking "Banking@Home" first.
II. Registration card is not restricted whether the card has the authority to make outward transfer or not. To protect money in the account, it is recommended to use USB-Shield when making payment.
  ☆ 温馨提示
  1. 办理代缴学费请先注册“金融@家”个人网上银行。
  2. 在办理各类缴纳费业务时,您的注册卡将不受是否具有对外转出权限限制,为了保证您账户资金的安全,建议您在办理缴纳学费业务时,使用U盾个人网上银行。

English Chinese translation sample-Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency
☆ Introduction
Under rules of State Administration of Foreign Exchange, if you (domestic resident or foreign resident) carry more foreign currency cash out of China than the amount declared in last record of returning to China or no record of amount declared in the last time returning to China, and you are about to bring a certain sum of money getting out of China, you must apply a "F/X Exit Permit" and declare at Customs.

If you have foreign currency deposited in ICBC, and you need to withdraw a certain amount to leave China, apply a "F/X Exit Permit" at the original ICBC deposit office.

☆ Operation Guide
1. No need to apply Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency for amount under USD 5,000 (inclusive) or equivalent. Customs will let you go, except those with multiple travellings in a day or within a short period.
2. Apply ICBC Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency for amount over USD 5,000 to USD 10,000 (inclusive) or equivalent with ICBC deposit voucher, passport or visa. At departure, Customs will let you go by checking if Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency stamped by ICBC.

3. If over USD 10,000 is brought out of China, apply Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency at branches of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred as SAFE) located the same place as the ICBC deposit office or the ICBC branch where F/X is bought. Customs will let you go by checking if Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency is stamped by SAFE or not.
4. If multiple certificates are used and if the cumulative total of all certificates stamped by ICBC is over USD 10,000 or equivalent, Customs will not let you go.
5. Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency is valid for onetime within 30 days from issue date.

☆ Helpful Tips
1. What happened if your F/X exit permission has been lost?
If your Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency is lost by accident, apply at original ICBC issuing office for a Certification on Replacement. Use the document to apply approval from SAFE- Beijing Management Department. Then use the approval to apply Certificate of Carrying Foreign Currency at the original ICBC issuing office.

2. How to take more amount of foreign currency out of China?
Suggest remitting out via TT, F/X draft, buying traveler cheque or using credit card.

English Chinese translation sample-Self-service Bill Payment

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Self-service Bill Payment
☆ Introduction
An ICBC service offered to pay fees of yours or others such as mobile fee, telephone, water, and electricity through Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Phone Banking, ATM or other self-service devices.
  ☆ 服务简介

☆ Features
This is a service 24*7. Money is accurately credited into account under normal situation, choices of payment for nationwide or local services. Enquiry can be made on the online payment details for all kinds of nationwide services ICBC represented.
  ☆ 服务特色

☆ Service Channel
Internet Banking, Mobile Phone Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM and other self-service devices.
  ☆ 服务渠道

☆ Operation Guide
I. Steps in online bill payment through Internet Banking Flow Chart>>
II. Steps in paying bill through Mobile Phone Banking Flow Chart>>
Example of short message format:
Pay telephone bill: JFDH#61234567#李钱孙
Pay mobile fee:JFSJ#13912345678
III. Steps in enquiring the online payment details of nationwide services Flow Chart>>
  ☆ 操作指南
  1. 网上银行在线缴费 查看流程>>
  2. 使用手机银行缴费 查看流程>>
  3. 您还可查询全国范围缴费服务的缴费交易明细 查看流程>>

IV. Registered Customer of Telephone Banking (registered at the Counter/through self service) uses registered Money Link Card, E-Age Card, Elite Club Account Card to pay Flow Chart>>
V. Non-registered customer of Telephone Banking uses passbook to pay (maximum payment limit is RMB 5,000) Flow Chart>>
  4. 电话银行的注册客户(包括柜台注册和自助注册)请使用注册的灵通卡、e时代卡、理财金账户卡进行缴费 查看流程>>
  5. 非电话银行注册客户请使用存折缴费(缴费最高限额为5000元) 查看流程>>

☆ Helpful Tips
I. Registration card is not restricted whether the card has authority to make outward transfer or not.
II. In general, all payments will be credited into account. Call 95588 if there are questions.
  ☆ 温馨提示
  1. 在办理各类缴费业务时,您的注册卡将不受是否具有对外转出权限限制。
  2. 各项缴费资金正常情况下资金实时到账,如出现异常,请及时致电95588。

III. ICBC will deduct from the account of default payment card registered under Mobile Phone Banking (short message) when mobile is used for payment. Daily cumulative paid cannot over RMB 1,000. Payment will be void if short message cannot be delivered to "95588******" within 24 hours.
IV. Print invoice at ICBC business office or self-service devices if needed.
  3. 使用手机支付时,银行将从您注册手机银行(短信)时默认支付卡的账户中转出资金。缴费金额累计每日不得超过1000元。如果您未能在24小时内转发短信至“777795588******”,将导致您的交易失效。
  4. 如您需要发票请到工商银行营业网点或自助设备上打印。

V. Payment functions offered by ICBC in different provinces and cities vary. Call customer service hotline 95588 of local ICBC for details.
VI. Customer not registered under Telephone Banking can pay bill through Telephone Banking, but is restricted by maximum limitation which is set differently by ICBC in different places. Check details from local 95588.
  5. 工商银行各省市提供的电话银行缴费功能不尽相同,客户如需使用此功能请拨打当地工行客户服务热线电话95588进行咨询。
  6. 非电话银行注册的客户可以使用电话银行缴费,但受最高缴费限额限制。我行各地设置的最高缴费限额各不相同,请您拨打当地95588查询详情。

VII. Credit card cannot be used to pay bill through Telephone Banking.
VIII. Payment amount will be deducted from basic account of registration card if paid through Telephone Banking.
  7. 使用电话银行办理缴费时,信用卡不具备交费功能。
  8. 使用电话银行办理缴费时,缴费金额将从注册卡的基本账户中扣除。

English Chinese translation sample-Agency Duty Refund for Consumption Abroad

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Agency Duty Refund for Consumption Abroad
☆ Introduction
If you are inconvenient to apply for tax refund while shopping overseas, ICBC " Agency Duty Refund for Consumption Abroad " can help you!

ICBC is the only agent of Global Refund in China. Global Refund is a world renowned tax refund organization. Sales tax paid while shopping overseas at one of 170,000 shops labeled with Global Refund TAX FREE SHOPPING in 21 countries can be refunded at ICBC business offices within a validity period with tax rebate cheque stamped by customs of the country, your own ID document, passport and shopping receipt.
  工商银行是世界著名退税机构——Global Refund(环球退税公司)在中国唯一的指定代理。若您在境外21个国家17万家有Global Refund TAX FREE SHOPPING标志的指定商店购物消费时所支付的消费税,可凭加盖该国海关图章的退税支票、本人身份证明、护照、购物收据在有效退税期内,在我行网点办理现金退税。

☆ Features
Shopping happily! Easy to refund.
No worries of getting the refund when shopping at over 170,000 shops labeled with Global Refund TAX FREE SHOPPING in 21 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Argentina, Czechoslovakia. ICBC will process the refund when you return to China. No more difficulties in getting back the refund due to language barrier or the shortage of time.
  您在奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、英国、希腊、荷兰、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、新加坡、阿根廷、捷克等21个国家的17万多家有Global Refund “TAX FREE SHOPPING”标志的商店尽情消费,无须担心支付的额外税负因语言沟通或时间仓促而难于退还。回国后您在我行办理退税,没有任何时间和语言不便。

☆ Operation Guide
1. Ask for a(Global Refund Cheque)and shopping receipt from the shop labeled with Global Refund TAX FREE SHOPPING after shopping.
2. At departure, present the merchandize, shopping receipt and Global Refund Cheque at the customs. Request customs to stamp on the Global Refund Cheque (Note: No refund if not stamped!!).
  第一步:您在有TAX FREE SHOPPING 标志的商店购物后,需向店方索要有TAX FREE SHOPPING标志的专用退税支票(Global Refund Cheque)和购物收据。

3. When in China, apply for tax rebate at designated ICBC business office. Submit original and copy of passport, Global Refund Cheque stamped by customs of the country and shopping receipt. Fill in "Personal Overseas Sales Tax Rebate Application Form (ICBC Beijing Branch)" and sign to confirm.

☆ Helpful Tips
1. Ratio of overseas sales tax refund, minimum refundable amount (total shopping amount of same customer at the same shop in one day) varies in different countries, in general, 15-20% of the merchandize price.

2. You (domestic resident or foreign resident) shop at shops labeled with Global Refund TAX FREE SHOPPING in Europe, get Global Refund Cheque and shopping receipt and have them stamped by the customs of the last departure EU country.
3. Regardless of the currencies used in overseas shopping, all refunds will be converted to USD at ICBC rate of the day and returned to the customer.
  2、您(国内居民、外国居民均可)在欧洲有GLOBAL REFUND标志的商店购物,获得GLOBAL REFUND退税支票和购物收据,在欧盟范围内离开欧盟最后一个国家时需在退税支票上加盖海关图章。

4. Global Refund Cheque in question has to be confirmed again by Global Refund Company. ICBC will inform you to get the refund at the original ICBC business office or credited into specified account when it is ready.
5. Global Refund Cheque without customs stamp is void.
  4、有疑问的退税支票,须经Global Refund公司再次确认,待我行收妥退税款后,再通知您到原受理网点领取或将退税款项划入您指定的工行账户中;

6. Get the refund at ICBC one month before the refund cheque is expired.
7. No banking charges for refunding.

Mar 14, 2008

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance- Money Gram-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
1. Receive Money Gram remittance at designated ICBC business office with legal identity document.
2 Fill in Withdrawal Form, details include: remittance ref number, remitter's name, address, street, city, postal code and telephone number of drawee.
3. Make return on international balance of payment.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance- Money Gram-Features

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

V. Money Gram - Personal F/X Inward Remittance
☆ Introduction
A fast, reliable and easy service jointly launched by ICBC and world famous remittance service company – Money Gram Company for individual customer to make international remittance without any need from receiver to provide bank account number.
If you need to receive the F/X remitted from overseas as early as possible, you can receive it through this service while you have no account opened in ICBC.
  速汇金业务是我行与世界著名汇款服务公司——Money Gram公司共同合作,代理该公司为个人客户提供的一种无需收款人提供银行账号,即可实现快捷简单、安全可靠、随意方便的国际汇款的服务。

☆ Features
1. Wide network of remittance organizations: Money Gram Company has a total of more than 50,000 agency offices in 150 countries and regions. Overseas remitter can remit to you through these offices. Remittances will be paid at designated ICBC business offices.
  1、汇款机构广泛:Money Gram公司已在全球150个国家和地区拥有总数超过50,000个代理网点。境外汇款人可通过这些网点将款项汇给您,并通过我行指定网点进行解付。

2. Fast: Leveraging ICBC foreign currency clearing system and Money Gram's global network and electronic technology, remittance will be arrived at ICBC in 10 minutes during ICBC’s working hours. This is a very good choice to remit money to customers who are urgently in need of cash.

3. No fees when receiving: Fees are only collected on the remittance amount during remitting out. No need for the receiver to pay additional fees.


4. Received in full amount: No deductions from intermediary banks after remitting out. The receiver gets full amount.

5. Simple procedure:
- Remitter: No need to choose complicated remitting methods. No need to know the account opening bank of the receiver and his account number, only simple information such as receiver's name is enough. Just inform receiver the ref number and password of the remittance after amount remitted out.

- Receiver: No need to have a bank account, no need to find out the bank branch to collect the remittance. Just use the ID document, remittance ref number, password to collect at any Money Gram agency office.

6. Safe and reliable: Receiver can collect the remittance just by ID document, ref number and password. Money is protected through detail verifications before payment. Storage and processing of all information related to remittance are electronized and under transmission control of Money Gram's highly secure system.

☆ Service Channel
At designated ICBC business offices. Call local customer hotline 95588 for details.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Foreign Currency Traveler Cheque-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
1 Just exchange the traveler cheque at ICBC with traveler cheque, and bring valid ID document and passport.
2 Countersign the traveler cheque in front of ICBC staff at the Counter. Countersign and initial signatures should be the same.

3 Initial signed traveler cheque with same countersign signature can be honored at designated ICBC business office in RMB cash or transferred as F/X deposit.

☆ Helpful Tips
1. ICBC will not directly pay for traveler cheque not initially signed by the person who holds it, traveler cheque with inconsistent initial and countersign signatures, blank traveller cheque without initial and countersign signatures and transferred traveler cheque, only collection allowed. Amount paid only after actual collection. It takes 45 - 60 days. See Option 3: Personal F/X Note Collection for details.

2. Banking charge is collected at a percentage of payment account. Check details from local ICBC 95588 operator.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Foreign Currency Traveler Cheque-Introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

IV. Exchange of Foreign Currency Traveler Cheque
☆ Introduction
"Foreign currency Traveler Cheque" is issued by world renowned financial organization with sound credibility. Holders buy it, hold it and cash it while being overseas or even use it as cash for spending. ICBC offers an exchange service for all types of international traveler cheques. Amount will be converted to RMB or transferred to F/X deposit.

☆ Feature
Fast and convenient: Initial signed traveler cheque with same initial and countersign signatures can be directly exchanged into RMB cash or transferred as F/X deposit at designated ICBC business offices.
Full variety: ICBC can exchange traveler cheque issued by world famous traveler cheque companies: Visa International. MasterCard International, American Express International Inc, Citibank
  种类齐全:我行目前能够代兑多家世界著名旅行支票发行公司发行的旅行支票,具体有:VISA国际组织、MASTER CARD国际组织、美国运通国际股份有限公司(AMERICAN EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL INC)和美国花旗银行(CITIBANK)的旅行支票。

☆ Service Channel
At designated ICBC business offices. Dial local customer hotline 95588 for details first.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X Note Collection-Helpful Tips

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Helpful Tips
1. ICBC does not accept following types of personal foreign currency notes: forward draft, United States Postal Money Order, US government cheque or fiscal cheque (Treasury cheque), private cheque without drawer's signature, amended or untidy notes, overdue notes, USD notes not paid by US banks.
2. Banking charges from foreign correspondent banks due to refund will be deducted from the amount you collected.
  1、以下种类个人外币票据,我行不予受理:远期汇票、美国邮政汇票(United States Postal Money Order)、美国财政部签发的政府支票和财政支票(又称国库支票)、无出票人签字的私人支票、有更改或涂抹的票据、过期票据、非美国本土银行付款的美元票据。

3. Foreign currency notes usually have validity period. Collect at ICBC as soon as you receive the note.
4. Collection is also available for traveler cheque with inconsistent initial and countersign signatures, blank traveler cheque without initial and countersign signatures and transferred traveler cheque.

5. Amount collected from foreign currency notes is F/X. After collection, F/X can be deposited into account or settled at F/X price.

6. Fee Schedule:
(1) Banking charge is collected at a percentage of denomination. Check details from local ICBC 95588 operator.
(2) Overseas correspondent bank may deduct banking charges for collection. Amount varies. You have to pay this part of charge.
(3) Additional fees are charged for blank cheque returned by correspondent bank.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X Note Collection-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
1. Notes are usually valid for half a year. Please come to designated ICBC business office to collect as soon as you get it. Period between date of note issued and date of collection cannot be longer than 4 months and 15 days.
2. Beneficiary use valid ID document (ID Card, Residence Registration Booklet, Military ID Card or passport) to collect.

3. Fill in ICBC Note Collection Advice, state clearly the type of note, note number, date of issue, currency, amount and name, address, contact number, ID number of customer.
4. Sign at the back of note (endorse). For successful collection, endorse signature should be the same as the beneficiary stated in the front of the note.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X Note Collection-Introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

III. Personal F/X Note Collection
☆ Introduction
Collection service for personal foreign currency cheque, draft and some traveler cheques.

☆ Features
1. Mainly collection service for personal notes in USD, HKD and Euro. Personal notes in other currency depend if service available in ICBC branches. Call local 95588 to check from ICBC operator.
2. Collection of amount usually takes around 45 -60 days.

☆ Service Channel
At designated ICBC business offices.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X settled in advance-Helpful Tips

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Helpful Tips
1. Limitation on customer: The remitter must be overseas individual, including resident and non-resident, beneficiary is domestic resident.
2. Service scope: Only F/X remittance under personal items, not F/X remittance under capital items.

3. Limitation on full amount: Strictly follows rules of State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Amount of single remittance is limited to USD 50,000 (inclusive) or equivalent at this point of time. Remittance under USD 10,000 (inclusive) or equivalent can be processed by overseas bank. Remittance between USD 10,000 and USD 50,000 (inclusive) needs overseas bank to check remitter's ID document and source of funds, and file the copy of ID document and document of source of fund.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X settled in advance-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
1. Overseas remitter must use the foreign currency in hand to make personal F/X remittance settled in advance at overseas ICBC branch.

2. When making personal F/X remittance settled in advance, overseas remitter must confirm the rate, name of beneficiary (you) (same as the name in mandarin pinyin in your identity document, or same as the account name in mandarin pinyin in your receiving account), ID Card number, ICBC multi-currency current account number (or card number) in full, full name of receiving bank (ICBC branch in China) and fill in Remittance Application Form.

3. Remitter submits return of international balance of payment.
4. Domestic receiving bank (ICBC branch in China) directly credit the settled amount in RMB into account.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Personal F/X settled in advance-Introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

II. Personal F/X settled in advance
☆ Introduction
Personal F/X remittance settled in advance is a special situation of "Inward T/T". This is a given F/X remittance. Before sending remittance at overseas ICBC branch, remitter can request to convert the foreign currency to RMB at the specified rate quoted on the date of remittance. Beneficiary receives the remittance in RMB.

☆ Features
1. Sender remit in foreign currency, but remittance is credited into beneficiary's account in RMB.
2. Beneficiary has account opened in ICBC branch in China can receive remittance from overseas in RMB immediately. In this way, beneficiary has no risk of exchange rate. There is no need for beneficiary to settle at ICBC counter as well. Remittance is even faster to be credited into account.

3. Overseas remitter can send personal F/X remittance settled in advance at ICBC branches in Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul (Pusan), Luxembourg, Macau, ICBC (Asia) and ICBC (London) in Singapore dollar, Japanese yen, US dollar, Euro dollar, HK dollar and Sterling pound.

☆ Service Channel
Overseas remitter can send personal F/X remittance settled in advance at ICBC branches in Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul (Pusan), Luxembourg, Macau, ICBC (Asia) and ICBC (London) in Singapore dollar, Japanese yen, US dollar, Euro dollar, HK dollar and Sterling pound.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Telegraphic Transfer-Helpful Tips

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Helpful Tips - FAQs
1. What are the conditions to receive remittance from overseas?
Just open a multi-currency current account in ICBC (Elite Club Account, Peony Money Link Card•e-age, current All-in-one Account), follows ICBC Guidance on Inward Remittance to inform your details to overseas remitter.

2. How to use the guidance?
Different guidances are given on different currencies in ICBC Guidance on Inward Remittance. "Remittance Guidance" is only related to the currency of inward remittance. Nothing concerns which country the remittance comes from. In other words, if sender remits USD from United Kingdom, it refers "USD Remittance Guidance", not "GBP Remittance Guidance".

3. Can you remit RMB to China from overseas?
No, unless you have foreign currency. Remit personal F/X remittance settled in advance at overseas ICBC branches to ensure beneficiary directly receive the remittance in RMB.

4. Why your remittance not yet credited into account?
Please confirm from remitter if beneficiary details you provided is correct or not, and if the receiving account is multi-currency current account, if the name of beneficiary is identical with the account name of receiving account. If the above are all correct, the remitter can check the details from remitting bank.

5. Why the money you received is less than the amount remitted?
In general, remittance can be received in full amount if remitting bank and ICBC both have accounts opened in each other’s bank. If not, remittance must go through a bank or several banks to forward the remittance to ICBC. Each bank will collect fees from the amount. As a result, amount received by you may possibly less than the original amount remitted.

6. Can ICBC receive remittances from overseas in Swedish Krona?
Yes. However, Swedish Krona is not a currency of ICBC savings deposit. ICBC will inform you to collect the remittance at designated ICBC business office with your ID document and necessary documentation. Money will be credited into account only after settled in accordance with rules of State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

7. Remittance through ICBC can only at overseas ICBC branches?
No. You can choose any bank in any country to remit to accounts opened in ICBC. Remittance can only be made at overseas ICBC branches if it is personal F/X remittance settled in advance.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Telegraphic Transfer-Operation Guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Operation Guide
1.When overseas firm or individual check the currency for remittance first before sending to you or to the deposit account opened by you in ICBC, deliver to overseas sender the ICBC guidance on remittance currency (Call 95588 for details) and your information of being the beneficiary. Main details include: name of beneficiary (you) (same as the name in mandarin pinyin in your identity document, or same as the account name in mandarin pinyin in your receiving account), ICBC multi-currency current account number (or card number) in full, full name of receiving bank (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), SWIFT code of receiving bank (ICBC), beneficiary's telephone number and address (in English). Call customer hotline 95588 of local ICBC branch for details.
  1、境外机构或个人欲将款项从境外汇给境内的您或境内您在我行开立的存款账户时,请您最好事先根据所汇款项的币种,将我行相应币种的汇路指引(具体汇路指引请拨打95588咨询)及您作为收款人的相关信息提供给该境外汇款人。主要信息包括:收款人(您)的姓名(即:与您证件姓名一致的普通话汉语拼音,或与你收款账户户名一致的普通话汉语拼音)、完整的我行活期多币种账户账号(或卡号)、收款行(即我行)全称(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)、收款行(即我行)swift代码、收款人联系电话及通信地址(英文)等信息。详情请咨询当地分行95588客户服务热线。

2. Remind remitter to follow ICBC guidance and beneficiary information you provided to fill in Remittance Application Form. If the remitter has questions in filling in the form, remind him/her to clarify from the staff of remitting bank (overseas bank where the remitter is making the remittance).

3.Opening a multi-currency current account first for timely arrival of the remittance is suggested if you are the beneficiary and have not opened a foreign currency savings account in ICBC, but have the intention to receive the remittance at ICBC.

English Chinese translation sample-Inward Remittance -Telegraphic Transfer -Introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Overseas Remittance – Inward Remittance
Choose from one of the following: Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Remittance settled in advance, Personal F/X Note Collection, Exchange of foreign currency Traveler Cheque, Money Gram- Personal F/X Inward Remittance

I. Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
☆ Introduction
Inward remittance through T/T can be received once a current multi-currency account (Elite Club Account, Peony Money Link Card•e-age, Current All-in-one Account) is opened in ICBC. As a member of international clearing organization –SWIFT, ICBC offers fast multi-currency payment service for personal inward remittance leveraging its advanced F/X remittance and clearing system, powerful service network in the country and across the globe, as well as large pool of correspondent banks.

☆ Features
1. Multi-currency, wide coverage: Through ICBC, remittances can be received in freely-convertible currency (currencies with everyday quotes announced by ICBC) from countries and regions (HK, Macau and Taiwan) all around the world. Amongst, remittance can be credited into account without conversion if in the currency of ICBC foreign currency deposit. Remittance in freely-convertible currency not of savings currency can only be credited into account after settled against documentation submitted in accordance with settlement rules of State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

2. Economical. ICBC does not collect any banking charges.
3. Easy: Once an ICBC current multi-currency account is specified (current All-in-one Account, Elite Club Account, E-Age Money Link Card) as the receiving account, ICBC will automatically credit the remittance into account when arrived. No need to collect in person.

4. Fast and timely: ICBC has detail guidance on overseas remittance, delivers the guidance to overseas remitter for reference. Inform the remitter to follow the guidance, making remittance simplest, economical and fastest.
5. Personal F/X remittance settled in advance: At the overseas ICBC branches where this service is available, overseas remitter can make remittance in foreign currency to domestic ICBC branches. Beneficiary receives the remittance in RMB in China. Conversion is at the rate quoted on the date of remittance in order to avoid exchange rate risk. (Details see Option 2: Remittance settled in advance).

☆ Service Channel
1. Remitter can send remittance to ICBC through banks in countries and regions around the world. Receiver can check the balance in receiving account at the Counter, through Telephone Banking or Internet Banking.

2. Remitter can remit at ICBC branches in Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul (Pusan), Luxembourg, Macau, ICBC (Asia) and ICBC (London) in Singapore dollar, Japanese yen, US dollar, Euro dollar, HK dollar and Sterling pound. Under this services, remitter can remit in foreign currency to domestic ICBC branches, and beneficiary receives the remittance in RMB in China. Conversion is at the rate quoted on the date of remittance in order to avoid exchange rate risk. (Details see Option 2: Remittance settled in advance ).

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Express Remittance-Appendix

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

Appendix: Documents required for transaction exceeding the current account.
(1)For self-financing study abroad requesting foreign currency exceeding the quota, one needs to provide the following materials:
A、his own resident registration and identity card;
B、valid entry visa to his destination country or area;
C、Letter of offer or student status letter from the overseas school;
D、fee notification from the overseas school;
  A. 本人户籍证明和身份证明;
  B. 已办妥前往国家和地区有效入境签证的护照;
  C. 国(境)外学校正式录取通知书或在读证明;
  D. 国(境)外学校出具的费用通知单;

(2)For overseas remittance exceeding quota to seek medical care, one needs to provide the following materials:
A、his own resident registration and identity card;
B、valid entry visa to his destination country or area;
C、evidence from his district (municipal) hospital with the doctor's reference;
D、acceptance offer from an overseas hospital and fee notification;
  A. 本人户籍证明和身份证明;
  B. 已办妥前往国家和地区有效入境签证的护照;
  C. 所在地的地区(市)级医院证明附医生意见;
  D. 境外医院的接收证明及收费通知;

(3)For submitting international academic association fee exceeding overseas remittance quota, one needs to provide the following materials:
A、his own resident registration and identity card;
B、evidence from the international academic association (including fee explanation)
  A. 本人户籍证明和身份证明;
  B. 国际学术组织证明文件(含费用说明);

(4)For overseas remittance exceeding quota to purchase a small quantity of medicine or medical facilities, one needs to provide the following materials:
A、his own resident registration and identity card;
B、evidence from his district (municipal) hospital and the doctor's prescription;
  A. 本人户籍证明和身份证明;
  B. 所在地的地区(市)级医院证明附医生处方;

(5)For overseas remittance exceeding quota to deal with serious illness, death and accident of one's immediate family member overseas, one needs to provide the following materials:
A、his own resident registration and identity card;
B、Notarized evidence from overseas, or evidence from the Chinese embassy or consulate to the country or area.
  A. 本人户籍证明和身份证明;
  B. 境外公证机构的有效证明,或者我国驻外大使馆、领事馆的证明。

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Express Remittance-Notes

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Notes
1. The Express Remittance is limited to (excluding) USD 10,000 per transaction, and one customer cannot accumulate remittance over (excluding) USD 20,000 per day.
2. The payee of the Express Remittance must be an individual and cannot be an institution.
3. Express Remittance from China currently can only accepted in US dollars.
  1. 速汇金汇出汇款单笔限额为10000美元(不含),每人每日累计汇出汇款不得超过20000美元(不含)。
  2. 速汇金汇款的收款人必须为个人,不可为机构。
  3. 中国地区汇出的速汇金汇款的币种暂只接受美元。

4. Because Express Remittance is one kind of "foreign currency remittance", the transaction, besides being subject to the requirement of the Money Gram system, it is also subject to the policies of the State Foreign Exchange Administration and the People's Bank.
5. Please choose an appropriate way of remittance by referring to the following chart comparing Express Remittance with our TT Outward Remittance:
  4. 由于速汇金业务本身属于“外汇汇款”的一种,因此,该业务的办理除需要符合速汇金系统和业务处理要求外,依然需要遵循国家外汇管理局、人民银行等监管部门有关的政策管理规定。
5. 请您根据实际情况选择恰当的汇款方式,速汇金业务与我行“全球快汇-境外电汇汇出汇款”特点对比如下图所示。

6. Charging standard: Charge should be paid according to the Express Remittance standard, and additional charge should also be paid if holding the cash foreign currency or the remittance is made from the cash foreign currency account.
  6. 收费标准:按速汇金收费标准交纳汇款费用,如持外币现钞或从外币现钞账户汇款,还需交纳钞变汇手续费。

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Express Remittance-guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ A guide for operation
1. When applying for express remittance, the customer needs to produce cash foreign currency or certificate of deposit in our bank, and legal identity documents ( identity card, passport, green card, Hong Kong/ Macau / Taiwan home returning card) in our designated branch.
  1. 在用速汇金办理境外汇出汇款时,客户需持外币现金或我行存款凭证、法定身份证件(如身份证、护照、绿卡、港/澳/台回乡证等)到我行指定网点办理。

2. The customer needs to complete the express remittance form, including the remitter's name, detailed home address, postal code, contact number, name of identity card and its number, the remitter's occupation, the remitted amount in Arabic numerals, and the payee's name, country and city.
  2. 办理时需填写速汇金的汇款表格,主要包括:汇款人姓名、住所详细地址、邮政编码、联系电话、身份证件名称及号码、职业、汇款金额大小写;取款人姓名、国家和城市等。

3. Pay the charge according to the express remittance standard, and currency exchange fee if holding the cash foreign currency or the remittance is transferred from the cash foreign currency account.
  3. 按速汇金收费标准交纳汇款费用,如持外币现钞或从外币现钞帐户汇款,还需交纳钞变汇手续 费。

4. For any single outward remittance exceeding (including) USD 2000, the customer needs to fill in the international income and payment declaration form, and for inward remittance exceeding USD 2000, the same form is required.
  4. 所有单笔汇出金额超过两千美元的(含)需填写国际收支申报表,居民汇入2000美元以上填写国际收支申报表。

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Express Remittance-introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

The fourth way: "Express Remittance"
☆ A brief introduction to the service
Express Remittance is jointly run by ICBC and the world famous remittance service--Money Gram, and we provide agent service for Money Gram to personal overseas remittance without the payee's bank account number. The service is simple, express, and convenient. If you wish to pay an individual overseas but do not know his account information, or you are going overseas soon but have not yet opened any bank account, or you will travel to more than one destination and cannot carry a large amount of cash, our bank can provide the "Express Remittance" service to help you settle and use fund in foreign currency overseas.
  速汇金业务是我行与世界著名汇款服务公司——Money Gram公司共同合作,代理该公司为个人客户提供的一种无需收款人提供银行账号,即可实现快捷简单、安全可靠、随意方便的国际汇款的服务。如果您需要尽快将外币资金支付境外个人、但不知该人开户信息,或您本人近期将前往境外、但在境外没有开立账户,或您近期所前往的境外目的地不唯一、又不便携带大量外币现金时,我行可为您提供速汇金汇出汇款业务,帮助您实现境外外币资金的结算和使用。

☆ Features
1. Extensive payment disposing institutions: Money Gram is in possession of more than 50,000 agencies in 150 countries worldwide. As one of its agencies, our bank is expanding more outlets for the service.
  1. 解付机构广泛:Money Gram公司已在全球150个国家和地区拥有总数超过50,000个代理网点。我行作为该公司的代理机构之一,将逐步开立和增扩该项业务的代理网点。

2. Express remittance: With the foreign currency clearing system in our bank and Money Gram's global network and sophisticated technology, your remittance can reach the payee within 10 minutes. For customers who are in urgent need of the fund, the Express Remittance is the best way.
  2. 汇款速度快:借助我行外币资金清算系统及国际速汇金公司的全球网络和电子技术,速汇金可保证您的汇款在10分钟左右即可到达对方手中。对于急需用款的客户而言,速汇金是极佳的汇款方式。

3. The charge is definable: Express Remittance charges according to the amount when it is being remitted, and there is no mid-bank charge. The payee will receive the full amount of remittance and all the fund will be paid to him.
  3. 收费可确定:速汇金的费用仅在汇出时按汇款金额相应档次收取,汇出后无中间行扣费,收款人将全额收到汇款人汇出的款项,从而确保汇出款的足额解付。

4. Simple procedures:
--The remitter does not have to choose the complicated remitting route, and he does not have to know the payee's bank and account number. What he needs to supply is just some simple information such as the payee's name, and he only needs to inform the payee of the transaction code and pin number.
--The payee does not have to own a bank account, and he does not have to approach a certain bank to obtain the payment. What he needs is only to obtain payment in any Money Gram agency with his own identity card, the transaction code and pin number.
  4. 手续简单:

5. Safe and reliable: The payee obtains payment with his own identity card, the transaction code and pin number. The disposing of payment requires verification of all information and thus guarantees the safety of your fund. All information related to the remittance is processed and transmitted by the Money Gram system with highly reliable security.
  5. 安全可靠:收款人在取款时凭有效身份证件、业务参考号、密码口令办理解付。解付核对多重信息,为您的汇款资金提供了保障.此外,与汇款相关的所有信息资料的储存和处理全部电子化,通过速汇金系统进行传输控制,系统安全性高。

☆ Channel
The Express Remittance can be transacted in our designated braches. You can dial local 95588 for more information before proceeding to the bank.

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Purchase of Traveler's Cheque-Notes

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Notes
1. When purchasing a traveler's cheque, please pre-sign it immediately, or else it won't be compensated once it is lost.
2. Please place the reply slip of the purchase agreement and the traveler's cheque separately, so as to call the hotline to report loss with the purchase agreement if the traveler's cheque is lost or stolen.
3. When purchasing a traveler's cheque, please produce your own identity card, passport and valid visa.
  1. 购买旅行支票当时,请您立即在每张支票的初签栏签名,因为未初签的旅行支票遗失或被窃,将没有任何途径得到补偿。
  2. 请您将销售合约回执与旅行支票分开保管,如果旅行支票遗失或被窃,请备妥销售合约致电挂失热线办理挂失补偿。
  3. 购买旅行支票时,请您携带本人身份证明、护照、有效签证。

4. Our bank is only responsible for the purchase of the traveler's cheque, the loss is handled by the issuing institution. For safety, please bring the contact number for loss reporting in the area with you, and call immediately if your traveler's cheque is lost.
5. The original purchaser of the traveler's cheque can cash it directly, while a third party needs to get trust collection.
  4. 银行仅负责旅行支票的购买,旅行支票的挂失由旅行支票发行公司负责,为了安全起见,请您出境使用旅支时务必携带相关地区旅支挂失电话。且当您的旅支丢失之后,务必在第一时间及时拨打旅支公司挂失电话。
5. 原购买人兑现旅行支票时可立即取款,第三者兑现时需托收。

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Purchase of Traveler's Cheque-guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ A guide for operation
1. Sign a traveler's cheque purchase agreement. You need to produce your identity card, passport and valid visa when purchasing. After you decide on an issuing institution and brand of traveler's cheque, you can determine the currency, amount and how many you want to purchase, and then you sign the purchasing agreement (including the purchaser's name, address, passport number, cheque number, amount, how many cheques you buy, and general amount) and confirm by signing.
  1. 签订旅行支票购买合约。购买时您需要携带本人身份证明、护照、有效签证。在您选定旅行支票的发行机构和品牌后,即可确定购买币种、面额和张数,填写相应的购买合约(包括:购票人姓名、地址、护照号码、支票号码、面值、张数、总金额),并签字确认。

2. Pre-signing. After you get your return slip of the agreement and traveler's cheques, you should sign in each cheque's pre-signing column if it's going to be used by yourself. Traveler's cheque without pre-signing won't be made loss report or compensated if lost.
  2. 进行初签。办理购买手续费后,您即可取得旅行支票销售合约回执和旅行支票。如果是您本人使用,应立刻在柜台对每张支票初签栏进行签名。未初签的旅行支票遗失或被窃,不可挂失,无法补偿。

3. Re-signing when using traveler's cheque to make payment. When using a traveler's cheque to get cash, shop or to transfer it to others, you should re-sign it in the relevant column. The re-signing must be done in the presence of the payee and should be the same as the pre-signature. Re-signing in advance will be deemed as invalid.
  3. 支付使用时进行复签。在使用旅行支票兑换现金、消费或转让旅行支票时,需在旅行支票复签栏进行签字。复签时,必须在收款人在场的情况下进行,且初复签签名应当保持一致,提前复签无效。

4. Loss reporting. It is handled by the local branch of the issuing institution of the traveler's cheque. If you happen to lose your traveler's cheque, please contact the following number immediately (see the list below). Loss reporting and termination of payment will be handled for you through the 24-hour toll-free phone service in many languages, and you will be directed to obtain compensation in a designated institution, with the following documents:
  4. 办理挂失。旅行支票的挂失是由旅行支票的发行公司在当地的分支机构办理的,如果您的旅行支票不慎遗失,请及时拨打当地分支机构的服务电话(见下表),24小时多语种免费挂失电话为您办理挂失止付,并由挂失电话坐席指定您到当地指定机构办理补偿手续。相关手续如下:

(1)The original purchase agreement and your identity card;
(2)Compensation application with amount lost, number of the traveler's cheque lost, whether it has been pre-signed or re-signed before the loss, with your signature on the application.
(3)The compensating institution will ask you to sign another purchase agreement and supply you with a new traveler's cheque, without any charge.

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-Purchase of Traveler's Cheque-introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

The third way: Purchase of Traveler's Cheque
☆A brief introduction to the service
"Foreign Currency Traveler's Cheque" is a bill issued by world known and credible banks, and it can be purchased by a bearer to take abroad to cash, or even use in place of cash in consumption. If you often travel or stay abroad to different destinations with indefinite time period and fund utilizing, and thus need to carry fund which is secure and easy to cash for long term use, our bank can provide you the service of purchasing Traveler's Cheque.


1. Well-known brands with various currencies: Currently our bank sells traveler's cheque issued by AMERICAN EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL INC in 6 currencies: US dollars, Japanese yen, Euros, British pounds, Canadian dollars and Australian dollars.
  1. 品牌著名、币种多样:我行目前可以代售美国运通国际股份有限公司(AMERICAN EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL INC)发行的旅行支票。币种有美元、日元、欧元、英镑、加元、澳元等共6种。

2. Secure to carry around: You will be compensated through loss reporting if your traveler's cheque is lost or stolen on your trip. There is a 24-hour toll-free phone service with many languages to help you report loss and terminate payment.
  2. 携带安全:携带旅行支票出行,遗失或被窃时可以通过挂失获得补偿;有24小时多语种免费挂失电话为您办理挂失止付服务。

3. Convenient to use:
(1)Traveler's cheque sold by our bank is widely accepted in the world; it can be used in hotels, shops and taxies overseas, as well as cashed in local banks.
(2)The value is more varied than cash, with the high and low-valued cheque combined, and thus easy to carry.
(3)It has good mobility and transferability.
  3. 使用方便:

(4)According to the state regulations, traveler's cheque is administered differently from cash foreign currency , and it is not necessary to issue a certificate for foreign currency carrying for any amount.
(5)There is no period of validity, so compared with other bills, it is not limited by "validity".
(6)Economical: the exchange rate of traveler's cheque overseas is higher than cash foreign currency.

Traveler's cheque can only be purchased in our designated business offices. Please call local 95588 for more information before you proceed to the bank.

English Chinese translation sample-Draft Remittance-Notes

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

1. Is there a period of validity for the money order?
Normally a money order issued by our bank is valid for half a year, but because of the discrepancies in money order regulations in different countries, if you take the money order abroad to cash or collect, you should check with the local bank if there are any special regulations regarding the validity of money order, and arrange trust collection or payment within the period of validity.
  1. 票据是否有有效期?

2. How long is the period of trust collection of fund in the money order overseas?
The time period between trust collection and the final receipt of the fund depends on the clearing time of the local bank, and it usually takes 3-5 working days. Money order issued by ICBC in US dollars can be cashed on the next day in the U.S. mainland.
  2. 票据在境外办理委托收款后款项实际收回所需时间为多长?

English Chinese translation sample-Draft Remittance-guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ A guide for operation
1. Upon application, you should complete the Draft Remittance Application Form in a designated ICBC branch in clear English capital letters, including date of application, currency of remittance, amount, the payee's bank, its address, country and city, the payee's name and address, account number , and the remitter's name and telephone number. We will issue you a money order after all these are completed, for you to post or carry it abroad.
  1. 办理外汇汇票时,您需在我行指定网点用英文大写字母清晰、完整填写《票汇申请书》。填写内容包括申请日期、汇款币种、金额、收款人名称及所在国家和城市、汇款人姓名及联系电话等要素。办理完票汇手续,我们将汇票交给您,您可邮寄或自行携带出境。

2. For overseas remittance from domestic personal foreign currency current account, the following can be applied:
(1)Overseas remittance from foreign currency savings account equivalent to or below USD 50,000 per day can be transacted in the bank with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 50, 000 can be transacted with authentic proof in current account.
  2. 境内个人外汇汇出境外用于经常项目支出,按以下规定办理:

(2)Overseas remittance in cash foreign currency equivalent to or below USD 10,000 per day can be transacted in the bank with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 10, 000 should be transacted with authentic proof in current account, The Luggage Declaration Form for Passengers Entering the PRC Customs signed by the customs office, or the remitter's foreign currency withdrawal bill from the original bank of deposit.

3. For overseas remittance under overseas personal current account, the following can be applied:
(1)Remittance from foreign currency savings account can be transacted with the remitter's own identity card;
  3. 境外个人经常项目下外汇汇出境外,按以下规定办理:

(2)Remittance in cash foreign currency equivalent to or below USD 10,000 per day can be transacted with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 10, 000 should be transacted with authentic proof in current account, The Luggage Declaration Form for Passengers Entering the PRC Customs signed by the customs office, or the remitter's foreign currency withdrawal bill from the original bank of deposit.

4. Cashing of the money order abroad
When using the foreign currency money order issued by our bank overseas, you just need to submit the money order to a bank to collect the fund. A small fee will be charged to dispose payment for the money order, and it varies from country to country.
  4. 境外使用汇票兑付

5. Cancellation, report of loss and termination of the money order
(1)If you have not used the money order within the period of validity, you should apply for its cancellation in the original issuing branch with a written cancellation application, the original money order, and the return slip in the Draft Remittance Application Form.

(2)If you happen to lose the money order, you should report its loss in the original issuing branch with a written loss reporting application and the return slip in the Draft Remittance Application Form. If the return slip and the money order are both lost, you should report the loss in the original issuing branch with your own identity card. After acceptance of your loss reporting application, our bank will reclaim the fund in the draft remittance and inform you by phone after the fund is returned from overseas. Please note that our bank will commission an agent bank overseas to reclaim the fund for you, any charge incurred by cancellation or loss reporting, and loss resulted from cashing non-USD money order in US dollars will be borne by you and deducted from the amount in the money order.

English Chinese translation sample-Draft Remittance-introduction

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

The second way: Draft Remittance
☆ A brief introduction to the service
If you need to pay in foreign currency to an individual or institution overseas, you can have a money order issued in our bank and take it abroad to cash or make payment, or post the money order directly to the payee. The money order is a bill issued by the bank at your request with an amount indicated in foreign currency to be borne, carried and taken abroad by the customer to cash or make payment.

Please note that this service is chosen on condition that you are not clear of the payee's bank account but you need to pay him in foreign currency, or you can only make payment to an individual or institution after you reach your destination overseas, or you need the foreign currency for your own use after the remittance is disposed.

☆ Features
1. Multi-currency and multi-area: ICBC can provide you money order in 9 foreign currencies which can be disposed in banks in all countries and areas in the world.
2. Economical: The issuing and paying charges are low.
3. Safe and convenient: After your money order is issued in our bank, we also provide you related services such as cancellation and report of loss of the money order, and termination of payment, to safeguard your fund.
  1. 多币种、多地区:我行可为您提供多达9个币种的外币票据,该票据在世界各个国家或地区的银行均可通过票据托收的方式解付款项。
  2. 价格低廉:票据的开立和托收兑付的费用低廉实惠。
  3. 安全方便:您在我行开立外币汇票后,我们还可为您提供相关票据的退票、挂失、止付等服务,保障您资金使用的安全。

☆ Channels
You can have money order issued in the designated ICBC foreign currency business office.

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-TT Remittance-FAQ

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

1. What is the difference between TT overseas outward remittance and draft remittance? (For draft remittance, refer to "The second way: Draft Remittance")

TT Remittance transfers the fund into the payee's account directly through the foreign currency remittance and clearing system. It is usually fast, but the remitter needs to pay an extra TT charge. Draft Remittance means that the bank provides the remitter a foreign currency money order to be posted to the payee or taken abroad to collect, at usually a lower cost. Its advantage lies in that within the period of validity, the fund can be paid or collected by the bearer at his own will. Its disadvantage is the uncertainty of payment disposal owing to posting, carrying and collection, so it usually takes longer to dispose the payment.
  1. 境外电汇汇出汇款与票汇汇款的区别是什么?(票汇服务简介参见“方式二:票汇汇出汇款”)

2. What factors influence the TT Remittance speed? Usually when can it reach the payee's account?
The speed of TT Remittance is concerned with the type of foreign currency, the payee's bank and clearing bank's business hours and time difference, and the accuracy of the payee's information, etc. Specifically, overseas outward remittance is transacted by the clearing system in the issuing country of the currency, e.g. US dollars by the US clearing system, and Japanese yen by the Japanese system. Because overseas outward remittance involves the foreign clearing system, the foreign bank and the domestic remitting bank with their differences in working days, business hours and time, the time for a remittance to reach the payee is not fixed. If the payee is in a country different from the currency issuing one and therefore the remittance involves different countries, it may take longer for the remittance to reach him. Besides, the inaccuracy of the payee's information (account number, account name and bank) will also affect the speed of remittance.
  2. 电汇汇款到账速度与什么有关?通常何时到账?

Usually, if the remitting bank, the payee's bank and the clearing bank all keep regular working days, the payee's information is accurate, and the country of the payee is the same as the currency issuing one, the TT Remittance from ICBC will reach the payee's account on the same or following (working) day.

3. What should be done if the payee hasn't received the remittance after a week?
The delay of remittance may be due to the difference in the banks' working days, or inaccurate information of the payee's bank or account number. To enquire specific reasons, you can go to the original remitting branch with the customer return slip of the Overseas Remittance Application, and you have to pay a certain fee to make the enquiry.
  3. 电汇汇款一周后对方仍没有收到款项应怎么办?

4. Why is the amount received by the payee less than what I have remitted?
If the payee's bank and ICBC have a mutual account, the remittance may reach the payee in full amount, but if there isn't any mutual account and the remittance has to be transferred by another one or several other banks to the payee's bank, the amount received will be less than the remitted for each bank charges for the transfer.
  4. 为什么收款人收到的款项比我实际汇出的金额小?

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-TT Remittance- Notes

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Notes
1. Our business hours are 9:00-17:00 on every working day, during which our bank will send you real time payment message.
2. A single remittance or daily accumulated remitted amount can not exceed USD 50,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency; individuals overseas cannot remit via Internet Banking at present.
  1. 服务时间为每个工作日9:00-17:00,我行实时发送付款信息。
  2. 单笔及日累计汇出金额均不能超过50000美元或等值的外币;境外个人暂不能通过网上银行办理境外汇款。

3. The payer's name in English, the payee's name and remarks should be entered in English, and the system does not support input in Chinese.
4. If the remittance you make is from the "Cash Foreign Currency Account", you need to pay the charge for exchanging the currency, i.e., the system will automatically convert the cash into Renminbi according to the current "cash and currency difference" and deduct it from your paying account. Your remitting account and paying account can be the same or different.
  3. 付款人英文姓名、收款人姓名、备注等文字信息,请英文字母形式输入,不支持汉字输入。
  4. 如果您所要汇出的外币资金为“外币现钞账户”资金,您需要支付钞变汇手续费,即:系统将自动按当日“现钞与现汇价差”折算成人民币,从您的付费账户中收缴。您的汇款卡号和付费卡号可以是同一账户,也可以是不同的账户。

English Chinese translation sample-Outward Remittance-TT Remittance- guide

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ A guide for operation
1. Upon application, you should complete the Overseas Remittance Application Form in a designated ICBC branch in clear English capital letters, including date of application, currency of remittance, amount, the payee's bank, its address, country and city, the payee's name and address, the payee's account number , and the remitter's name and telephone number.
  1. 办理时,需在我行指定网点用英文大写字母清晰、完整填写《境外汇款申请书》。填写内容包括申请日期、汇款币种、金额、收款人开户银行名称及地址、收款银行国别及城市、收款人姓名及地址、收款人账号、汇款人姓名及联系电话等要素。

2. For overseas remittance from domestic personal foreign currency in current account, the following can be applied:
(1)Overseas remittance from foreign currency savings account equivalent to or below USD 50,000 per day can be transacted in the bank with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 50, 000 can be transacted with authentic proof in current account.
  2. 境内个人外汇汇出境外用于经常项目支出,按以下规定办理

(2)Overseas remittance in cash foreign currency equivalent to or below USD 10,000 per day can be transacted in the bank with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 10, 000 should be transacted with authentic proof in current account, The Luggage Declaration Form for Passengers Entering the PRC Customs signed by the customs office, or the remitter's foreign currency withdrawal bill from the original bank of deposit.

3. For overseas remittance under overseas personal current account, the following can be applied:
(1)Remittance from foreign currency savings account can be transacted with the remitter's own identity card;
(2)Remittance in cash foreign currency equivalent to or below USD 10,000 per day can be transacted with the remitter's own identity card; amount surpassing USD 10, 000 should be transacted with authentic proof in current account, The Luggage Declaration Form for Passengers Entering the PRC Customs signed by the customs office, or the remitter's foreign currency withdrawal bill from the original bank of deposit.
  3. 境外个人经常项目下外汇汇出境外,按以下规定办理

4. Enquiry, amendment and termination of the remittance
(1)If your remittance has not been billed into the payee's account for a long time, you can enquire at the remitting branch with the customer's return slip of the remittance form.
(2)If your need to amend or terminate remittance after it has been sent and billed into the payee's account, you can transact it at the remitting branch with the customer's return slip of the remittance form. If the remittance has been disposed, ICBC won't be able to make the transaction for you.
  4. 办理汇款的查询、修改、止付

5. Remittance via the Internet Banking
(1)To send domestic outward remittance via the Internet Banking, you need to register “Banking@home”of Personal Internet Banking firstly, and then get Internet Banking outward remittance authorization in an ICBC business office and apply to use a USB-Shield (Personal Customer Certificate).
(2)For outward remittance, follow the following steps: Check process>>
  5. 网上银行办理方式