English Chinese translation sample-Personal Jointly Account
(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)
Personal Jointly Account
☆ Introduction
Personal Jointly Account (Jointly Account for short) is a kind of fixed deposit or current deposit service of ICBC, which can be opened by 2 to 5(include) personal customers together who manage the business fund or family property, to realize the fund co-management.
☆ 服务简介
Jointly Account has local/foreign current deposit settlement account (Current Account for short) or Lump Fixed Deposit Account (Fixed Account for short) under Elite Club Account Card or Peony Money Link Card • E-Age (Operation Card for short).
联名账户种类包括开立在理财金账户卡或牡丹灵通卡 • e时代(以下简称业务操作卡)下的本外币活期存款结算账户(以下简称活期账户)或本外币整存整取定期储蓄存款账户(以下简称:定期账户)。
☆ Features
1. Jointly Account is the e-account linked under operation card. Jointly Account has no card or bankbook, so it's not necessary to keep bank card or bankbook. Customer can conveniently operate the jointly account by the operation card, card password and the serial number of sub-account related to the jointly account.
☆ 服务特色
1. 联名账户为下挂在您业务操作卡下的电子账户,无卡无折,无须额外保管银行卡或存折。您通过业务操作卡、卡密码和对应着联名账户的子账户序号,即可方便的进行联名账户相关业务操作。
2. ICBC will provide two ways of money withdrawal of Jointly Account, together transaction and authorized transaction. Together transaction is that all the holders of the jointly account come to ICBC business office together with their own operation card. Authorized transaction is the authorized holder himself/herself can deal with the service with his/her operation card within the accumulated withdrawal limitation authorized via ICBC business office, E-banking or ATM machine.
2. 对支取联名账户内资金,我行提供“共同办理”和“授权办理”两种方式。“共同办理”是指全体联名账户所有人凭各自业务操作卡到我行营业网点共同办理;“授权办理”是指被授权的联名账户所有人可凭其业务操作卡在约定的“授权支取累计限额”内,通过我行营业网点、电子银行、自动柜员机单独办理。
☆ Service Channels
ICBC designated business office, E-banking and ATM machine.
☆ 服务渠道
☆ Operation Guide
1. Open a Jointly Account
The whole jointly account holders will come to ICBC business office with their own valid ID card and the local operation card to fill in the Personal Jointly Account Opening/Changing Application and sign the Personal Jointly Account Manage Agreement together.
☆ 操作指南
1. 联名账户开户
2. Cancel a Jointly Account
The whole jointly account holders will come to ICBC business office with their own operation card to deal with the transaction. For cancel the account with over RMB 50 thousand or equivalent USD 10 thousand, or advance cancel the fixed account, the valid ID cards of whole jointly account holders must be provided.
2. 联名账户销户
全体联名账户所有人须持本人业务操作卡到我行营业网点办理。对销户金额超过人民币5 万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上,以及定期账户提前销户,须出示全体联名账户所有人的有效身份证件。
3. Renew a Jointly Account
(1) The current account can be renewed. The respective holders can solely renew through ICBC business office by his/her operation card.
(2) If the renewal is in different areas, ICBC will collect the handling charge by 0.5% of the deposit sum from 1 Yuan to 50 Yuan.
3. 联名账户续存
4. Withdraw Money from Jointly Account
(1) There is only one way to withdraw money from fixed account and must withdraw the entire money from the account for one time. There are two ways of together transactions and authorized transactions to withdraw money from current account.
(2) The current account, selecting authorized transaction, can withdraw the money from different cities. The authorized holder must pay the handling charge by 1% of the withdrawal money from 1 Yuan to 50 Yuan.
4. 联名账户支取
5. Change and Inquire the Jointly Account
(1) The holders of current jointly account can change the partial content of jointly account promised while opening. The changeable content includes the withdraw money methods and accumulated limitation of withdrawal authorized by ICBC.
(2) The holders of jointly account can inquire the customer information and account information with his/her operation card through ICBC business office, E-banking and ATM machine.
5. 联名账户变更和查询
☆Helpful tips
1. While opening the jointly account and signing the agreement, the holders of joint account must clearly record the manner of common account capital, that is the holders possession manner and share. The manner of common account capital is the transaction gist while dealing with dissension.
☆ 温馨提示
1. 在开立联名账户及签订协议时,各联名账户所有人必须明确记载账户资金共有方式,即各联名账户所有人对联名账户内资金的拥有形式及占有份额。账户资金共有方式是作为纠纷发生时联名账户资金的处理依据。
2. For deposit/withdraw operation, that the single transaction is over RMB 50 thousand or the equivalent foreign currency is over USD 10 thousand, you must provide your valid ID card, if you relegate it to other people, the deputy must provide his/her valid ID card.
2. 对单笔金额超过人民币5万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上的存/取款业务,您须出示本人有效身份证件,若委托他人代为办理,还需同时提供代理人有效身份证件。
3. If one of the jointly account holders reports the loss of operation card, the other jointly account holders can solely deal with the jointly account service, which cannot effect the operation card.
3. 若某一联名账户所有人办理了其业务操作卡的挂失,不影响业务操作卡正常的其他联名账户所有人可单独办理的联名账户业务。
4. If the operation card of one jointly account holder has signed the service agreement of balance change reminder or personal integrating account check, ICBC will provide the customer with the jointly account balance change reminder or integrating account check service.
4. 若某一联名账户所有人的业务操作卡签订了“余额变动提醒”或“个人综合对账”服务协议,我行将自动向该客户提供联名账户的余额变动提醒或综合对账服务。
5. The service annual fee is 20 Yuan per year for each jointly account. When the jointly account is canceled, ICBC will not return the accepted service annual fee.
5. 联名账户每年收取20元账户服务年费。办理联名账户销户,我行不退还已收取的账户服务年费。
6. When you transact the jointly account service via E-banking, you must obey ICBC E-banking regulations, trade rules and related management methods.
6. 通过电子银行办理联名账户相关业务时,须遵守我行电子银行章程、交易规则和相关管理办法。
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