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c.Symantec(5000+ words) http://www.symantec.com/zh/cn/

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Jun 26, 2008

English Chinese translation sample-Think London-Hartford Life Limited

(Translated by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- website localization)

John Enos - Managing Director - Marketing and Distribution - Hartford Life Limited

“Hartford is a very large financial services organization, it’s a global organization, in London we opened up in 2005, and here we are promoting long term savings, investments and pension products through financial Intermediaries. One of the key reasons for moving to Canary Wharf, and being based in London was the ability of diving into the pool of strong labor that exists here with knowledge of financial services, and that’s been very successful in attracting talented staff to work for the Hartford, from the hub that is in the London area, in terms of recruiting the right quality and standard of people we are looking for. Our distribution management, our marketing management, our product development team are based here, so really the centre part of our business is based in London. Think London enabled us to get engaged with the London financial services community very quickly, and ensured that whilst we are building a business for the long term here, for the next 20,30,40 years. The standpoint of our location and how we wanted to expand and grow, a lot of that thinking in terms of future plans was done when we were talking with Think London. London very much is the centre of financial services, clearly in the United Kingdom, and as a major financial services group we wanted to be based in London at the hub of the action. I think if a large financial services company outside the UK was looking to enter the UK market as we were, they would have to think very seriously of not operating from the London market in terms of how strong it is within financial services.”

John Enos – 常务董事 – 营销和分销 – Hartford Life Limited

“Hartford是一个位于伦敦的大型跨国金融组织,成立于2005年,目前我们正在通过金融中介组织推进长期储蓄、投资和养老金业务。立足伦敦并进军Canary Wharf的主要原因之一是那里具有金融服务专业知识的劳动力资源非常丰富,我们位于伦敦的中心在吸引高级人才为Hartford工作方面一直很成功,我们需要聘用那些高素质、高标准的人才。我们的分销管理、营销管理以及产品研发管理团队都位于伦敦,所以我们的核心业务就位于那里。伦敦让我们迅速进入伦敦的金融服务领域,确保我们长期经营,在未来的20年、30年或者40年里。当我们同Think London进行探讨时,考虑了许多关于未来计划的问题,比如怎样选址以及我们如何进行扩张,如何成长等等。伦敦是响当当的金融服务中心尤其是在英国,作为主要的金融服务组织之一,我们希望立足于伦敦,置身于金融服务最畅旺的地方。我想如果一家英国之外的大型金融服务公司象我们一样渴望进入英国市场,由于伦敦的金融服务业非常发达,它将必需认真考虑不立足于伦敦经营的后果。”

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