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b. KLM (100,000+ words) http://www.klm.com/travel/cn_cn/index.htm

c.Symantec(5000+ words) http://www.symantec.com/zh/cn/

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Feb 2, 2008

English Chinese Financial Glossary g11

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

garnishee order 债权扣押令
GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融财务有限公司
gearing ratio 资产与负债比率;杠杆比率〔认股权证〕
general acceptance 一般承诺
general account 一般帐目;总帐
general administrator 一般遗产管理人
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] 《关税及贸易总协定》〔《关贸总协定》〕
General Agreement on Trade in Services [GATS] 《服务贸易总协定》
general apportionment 一般分配
General Arrangements to Borrow [GAB] 《借款总安排》
general body of shareholders 全体股东
general business 一般业务
general capital increase 总增资
general clearing member 一般结算会员
General Consumer Price Index [GCPI] 一般消费物价指数
general crossed cheque 普通划线支票
general crossing 普通划线
general expenses 一般开支
general fund 普通基金
General Household Survey 综合住户统计调查
General Insurance Council [Hong Kong Federation of Insurers] 一般保险总会〔香港保险业联会〕
general ledger 总分类帐
general levy 一般征收
general offer 公开要约;全面收购建议
general partner 普通合伙人
general partnership 普通合伙
general policy 一般保单
general proxy 一般委托书
general rates 一般差饷
general reserve 一般储备金
general revaluation [rates] 全面重估应课差饷租金
general revenue 一般收入;政府一般收入
General Revenue Account [GRA] 政府一般收入帐户
General Revenue Account expenditure 政府一般收入帐目开支
General Revenue Account revenue 政府一般收入帐目收入
general revenue balance 政府一般收入余额
general support grant 一般经费补助金
general warrant 普通拨款令
Generale Belgian Bank (also known as Belgian Bank) 华比银行
generalized system of preference [GSP] 普及特惠制〔普惠制〕
gilt-edged investment 稳当投资;金边投资
gilt-edged market 金边证券市场

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