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Dec 9, 2009

White House(白宫)

By Freelance Chinese Translator Li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services - based in Harbin,China.

The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., it was built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the late Georgian style(乔治王时期风格) and has been the residence(官邸) of every U.S. President since John Adams. The White House Complex includes the Executive Residence (in which the First Family resides), the West Wing (the location of the Oval Office, Cabinet Room[内阁会议厅], and Roosevelt Room), and the East Wing (the location of the office of the First Lady and White House Social Secretary[秘书长]), as well as the Old Executive Office Building, which houses the executive offices of the President and Vice President.The White House is made up of six stories—the Ground Floor, State Floor, Second Floor, and Third Floor, as well as a two-story basement. The term White House is regularly used as a metonym(代名词,换喻) for the Executive Office of the President of the United States and for the president's administration and advisors in general. In 2007, it was ranked second on the American Institute of Architects's list of "America's Favorite Architecture."

白宫(White House)是美国的总统府,它位于华盛顿特区宾夕法尼亚大道南侧。1792年10月13日,华盛顿总统亲自破土安放基石,至1800年建成。第二届总统约翰•亚当斯(John Adams)首先入住。1902年由西奥多•罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)正式命名为“白宫”,又称之为天字第一号讲坛(Bully Pulpit)。现在白宫由主楼、东翼、西翼3个独立的建筑物组成。主楼的底层是“中国厅”,陈列着历届总统用过的中国餐具。二楼为总统全家的住所。东翼包括剧院及一些办公室。西翼主要是总统及其工作人员的办公地。国宴厅宽阔高雅,能容纳140人就餐。最早的“椭圆形办公室”建于1909年,天花板是总统印章的浮雕。总统办公桌是1880年维多利亚女王赠给拉瑟福德•B•海德的,用女王陛下“果敢”号船上的木材制成,以承认1855年美国营救在北极水域内失踪的“果敢”号所做出的努力。桌面上有里根总统保存的一件饰物,上面写着他喜欢的一句话:“如果一个人不在乎由谁来获得荣誉,那么他能做的事和能去的地方将永无止境。”
白宫院内到处是草坪、树木、花丛和喷泉,景色十分幽雅。白宫北大门为爱奥尼亚式的门廊(Ionic Portico),正对着拉斐特公园(Lafayette Park);南大门外有半圆形排列的柱廊。白宫主要房间有:图书室(Reading Room);金器室(the Goldware Room);瓷器室(the Chinaware Room);外交官接待室(the Diplomatic Reception Room);陈列室(the State Floor,国家展室);东厅(the East Room)用于招待新闻记者;绿厅(the Green Room)是非正式的会客厅;蓝厅(the Blue Room)为贵宾休息室;红厅(the Red Room),总统夫人在此接见来客;国宴厅(the State Dining Room),用于举办国宴的地方。二楼和三楼多数是总统的住宅,总统办公室连接玫瑰园(the Rose Garden)的密室。

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