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Jan 29, 2008

English Chinese Financial Glossary e32

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

existing licence 现行有效的牌照
existing loan 现有贷款
expectancy of value 预期值
expenditure 支出;开支;费用
expenditure approach 支出计算法;开支计算法
expenditure baseline 开支基线
expenditure commitment 开支承担
expenditure component 开支项目
expenditure for the services of the government 政府服务开支
expenditure guideline 开支指南
expenditure on scientific research 科学研究开支
expenditure on the gross domestic product 本地生产总值开支
expenditure outturn 开支结算
expenditure pattern 开支模式;消费模式
expenditure range 开支范围;开支幅度
Expenditure Summaries 《开支摘要》
expenditure survey 消费统计调查
expenditure-based gross domestic product 以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值
expenditure-based gross domestic product estimate 以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字
expense 费用;支出;开支
expense disbursement 开支支出
expense loss 开支亏损
export credit 出口信贷
export earnings 出口收益
export financing 出口融资;出口信贷财务
export licence 出口许可证;出口证
export market development programme 出口市场拓展计划
export of goods and services 货物及服务出口
export performance 出口业绩
export value 出口货值
exporter of services 服务出口地
export-led 由出口带动
export-oriented 出口为主;出口导向
exposure 承受风险;收支差〔外汇〕
expressed in Hong Kong dollar 以港元计算
external assets 对外资产
external auditor 外聘核数师;外聘审计师
external claim 对外债权
external commercial relations 对外贸易关系
external competitiveness 对外竞争力
External Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 外事经研部〔香港金融管理局〕
external equilibrium 对外均衡;外部均衡
external fund manager [Exchange Fund] 外聘投资经理〔外汇基金〕
external investor 外来投资人
external liabilities and claims 对外负债和债权
External Managers Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕
external price competitiveness 对外贸易价格竞争能力
External Relations Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 对外关系处〔香港金融管理局〕
external sovereign debt 对外国债
external trade 对外贸易
externally oriented economy 以外贸为主的经济;倚赖对外贸易的经济
extinguishment allowance 结业津贴
extortionate stipulation 敲诈性的规定
extra allowance 额外津贴
extra statutory concession 法外宽减
extraordinary item 非经常项目;特殊帐项
extrapolation 外推法
extrinsic value 外在价值;非固有价值

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