Native Chinese speaker Be a translator since 1995

Master Degree (my certificates) Certified accountant

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1995~present English-Chinese translator

2010~2014 Webmaster of usatouronline.com

1995~2002 Harbin university. Engage in the fields of accountancy, economics, business administration, marketing, etc.


  • Master degree (2003), business administration, Harbin Institute of Technology (among the Top 10 universities in China ).

  • Bachelor degree (1995), accountancy, Harbin University.


  • 1000+ projects completed since 1995

  • Recent projects:
a. AirAsia (200,000+ words) http://www.airasia.com/cn/zh/

b. KLM (100,000+ words) http://www.klm.com/travel/cn_cn/index.htm

c.Symantec(5000+ words) http://www.symantec.com/zh/cn/

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Translation0.06 USD~0.08 USD per source word (English or Chinese)

Editing 0.03 USD~0.04 USD per source word (English or Chinese)

DTP 10~12 USD per A4 page


Email: translator_li@hotmail.com MSN: translator_li@hotmail.com

TOM-Skype: translatorli2008 Cell phone :0086-13674676677

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Jul 11, 2008

Business glossary-post1

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- resume translation)

accountant: 会计
actor: 男演员
actress: 女演员
airline representative: 地勤人员
anchor: 新闻主播
announcer: 广播员
architect: 建筑师
artist: 艺术家
associate professor: 副教授
astronaut: 宇航员
attendant: 服务员
auditor: 审计员
auto mechanic: 汽车技工
baker: 烘培师
barber: 理发师(男)
baseball player: 棒球选手
bell boy: 门童
bellhop: 旅馆的行李员
binman: 清洁工,垃圾工
blacksmith: 铁匠
boxer: 拳击手
broker(agent): 经纪人
budgeteer: 预算编制者(预算员)
bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机
butcher: 屠夫,肉商
buyer: 采购员
carpenter: 木匠
cartoonist: 漫画家
cashier: 出纳员
chef: 厨师
chemist: 化学师
clerk: 店员
clown: 小丑
cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠
computer programmer: 程序员
construction worker: 建筑工人
cook: 厨师
cowboy: 牛仔
customs officer: 海关官员
dancer: 舞者
dentist: 牙科医生
designer: 设计师
desk clerk: 接待员
detective: 侦探
doctor: 医生
door-to-door salesman: 推销员(直销员)
driver: 司机
dustman: 清洁工
editor: 编辑
electrician: 电工
engineer: 工程师
farmer: 农夫
fashion designer: 时装设计师
fireman (firefighter): 消防员
fisherman: 渔夫
florist: 花商
flyer: 飞行员
Foreign minister: 外交部长
gardener: 花匠(园丁)
gas station attendant: 加油工
geologist: 地质学家
guard: 警卫
guide: 导游
hairdresser: 理发师,美容师(女)
housekeeper: 管家
housewife: 家庭主妇
interpreter: 口译员
janitor: 清洁工(看门人)
journalist: 记者
judge: 法官
lawyer: 律师
librarian: 图书管理员
life guard: 救生员
magician: 魔术师
masseur: 男按摩师
masseuse: 女按摩师
mathematician: 数学家
mechanic: 机械师,机修工
miner: 矿工
model: 模特儿
monk: 和尚,教士
movie director: 导演

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