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1995~2002 Harbin university. Engage in the fields of accountancy, economics, business administration, marketing, etc.


  • Master degree (2003), business administration, Harbin Institute of Technology (among the Top 10 universities in China ).

  • Bachelor degree (1995), accountancy, Harbin University.


  • 1000+ projects completed since 1995

  • Recent projects:
a. AirAsia (200,000+ words) http://www.airasia.com/cn/zh/

b. KLM (100,000+ words) http://www.klm.com/travel/cn_cn/index.htm

c.Symantec(5000+ words) http://www.symantec.com/zh/cn/

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Email: translator_li@hotmail.com MSN: translator_li@hotmail.com

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Feb 26, 2008

English Chinese translation sample-Open-ended Funds-Additional Services and Helpful Tips

(Edited by freelance Chinese translator li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services- financial translation)

☆ Additional Services
1. Self-Subscribe information on Fund NAV through ICBC Internet Banking.
2. Custody transfer service for fund, through which fund shares under your name can be traded in other cities.
3. Services to convert some of the funds.
  1. 您可通过我行网上银行自助申请定制基金净值信息。
  2. 我行为您提供基金转托管服务,如有需要您可通过转托管交易将名下的基金份额转到异地进行交易。
  3. 我行还为您提供部分基金的转换业务。

☆ Helpful Tips
1. Trading Hours is 9:30 – 15:00 on every Mon. –Fri., except national holidays.
2. Only one Fund Trading Account can be opened in one region. Opening of account is not limited in trading hours. Each Fund House can only open one TA Account. The hours to open TA Account is usually as the same as the trading hours of Fund House.
  ☆ 温馨提示
  1. 基金交易日为每周一至周五,法定节假日除外,交易时间一般为每天9:30-15:00。
  2. 在同一个地区,只能开立一个基金交易账户,开户不受基金交易时间限制。在一个基金公司只能开立一个TA账户,基金TA账户的开户时间与基金公司的交易时间相同。

3. Charges can be levied through front-end load and back-end load. Front-end load will have charge levied when subscribing or buying fund. Back-end load will not have charge levied when subscribing or buying fund, but levied when redeeming fund. Charge decreases year-to-year with the years of holding the fund increasing. See notices from Fund House on the details of front-end load and back-end load.
  3. 基金的手续费分为前端收费和后端收费。其中,前端收费是指当您认购、申购基金时,须缴纳手续费;后端收费是指当您认购、申购基金时,不需要交纳手续费,但在赎回时缴纳手续费,且随着持有基金年限的增加,手续费逐年递减;前、后端收费的详情请您垂询各基金管理公司的相关公告信息

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