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Dec 11, 2009

United States Capitol(美国国会大厦)

By Freelance Chinese Translator Li – English to Chinese translation or Chinese to English translation services - based in Harbin,China.

The United States Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives(众议院) and the Senate(参议院) for two centuries. It stands today as a monument to the American people and their government.
The cornerstone was laid by President Washington on September 18, 1793. The Capitol has been built, burnt, rebuilt, extended, and restored ever since then. Today, the Capitol covers a ground area(占地面积) of 175,170 square feet and has a floor area(房屋面积) of about 16.5 acres. In addition to its use by Congress, the Capitol is a museum of American art and history. It stands as a focal point of the government's legislative branch(立法部门) and as a centerpiece of Capitol Hill and the National Mall.

国会大厦(United States Capitol)是美国国会所在地,位于美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington.D.C)。它占据全市最高地势,是华盛顿最美丽、最壮观的建筑。美国人把国会大厦称为Capitol,作为民有、民治、民享政权(the government of the people, by the people, for the people)的最高象征。“这里,人民在统治”(here, sir, the people govern)——美国开国元勋汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的名言。美国联邦最高立法机关——国会(包括参众两院)在这里开会办公、通过各种法律法案。据说,美国官方曾明文规定首都所有建筑物,其高度都不得超过国会大厦。
圆形大厅(Rotunda)的巨型铜门,被称为哥伦布门(Columbus Doors),上面是描述哥伦布发现新大陆的浮雕。大厅内部空间高旷宏敞,金碧辉煌。四周墙壁上挂着8幅巨大的油画,展现了美国的发展史。抬头仰望,可见风格浪漫的穹顶画,中央绘着“华盛顿之神”(Apotheosis of Washington),两边是胜利女神和自由女神,另有13位女神,分别代表立国13州。大厅内还陈列着华盛顿、杰斐逊和林肯等历史名人的雕像。

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